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This website demonstrates that I have become proficient in applying technology in the classroom and that my knowledge and skills conform to the NETStandards for teachers.

To be an effective teacher, one must be flexible.  Without flexibility, a teacher will not be able to adapt to sudden changes in the classroom, and the classroom can quickly fall into disarray.  But this notion of flexibility extends past surprises in the classroom - it applies also to the changing technologies.  If a teacher is not able to change his or her teaching methods to conform with emerging tools, the classroom is in danger of falling into boredom.  Students effortlessly adopt new tools and media into their lives and easily become bored when old tools are used in the classroom.  Being able to keep up with the students and be flexible by adopting new concepts and technologies will help the teacher connect better with students.

This is why it is so important to conform with the NETStandards.  Doing so demonstrates by a quantifiable degree that a teacher (or future teacher) can be flexible and progress with the changing times.  

My teaching philosophy is based off of this concept of flexibility.  Every student is unique, and every class is unique.  They all have different interests and learning styles, and being able to cater to every student is vastly important in order to reach them and inspire them to learn.  By developing a large arsenal of technological tools and resources, teachers can cater to these students.  They can present information in hundreds of different ways and therefore connect to more students than the teacher who only makes use of Powerpoints and projectors. 

Being flexible is important in terms of classroom management, but being flexible with technology is important as well because it has the capability of relating to and inspiring students - which are both attributes of effective teachers.

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